Jumat, 01 Januari 2016

Revised Version

Name : Munawarah
SRN : 1401120943

Red: Topic Sentece
Black : Supporting Sentence
Blue: Concluding Sentece

Kelakai Chips
         One of popular snack in central kalimantan is kalakai chips. Snack Kelakai Chips are typical Dayak, first Kelakai many benefits and in trust by the dayak community as a blood booster drug, youthful drug, to treat aneamia, fever reliever, increase stamina and treat skin disease, Second  Kelakai chips famous. Because of the delicacy and crispness, third, Kelakai chips can made snacks passionate, healthy and tasty at the time to relax with your beloved family and friend. Finally, to make Kelakai Chips, we need 1 bunch of Kelakai, rice flour as much as needed, garlic, salt, coriander as much as needed, amount of oil.
Ø  Wash then drain and clean kelakai put the basin.
Ø  Smoothes spices such as garlic, coriander, salt using Cobek
Ø  Mixing spice earlier into the basin that already contain rice flour and stir until smooth
Ø  Do not forget to add water sufficiently
Ø  Then immediately enter into the batter earlier kelakai which has been made
Ø  After the fry kelakai which has been in the mix into the dough.
Ø  Preferably in kelakai fry, fried kelakai wish her one by one so that no clotting occurred
in the frying process.
Ø  Once cooked chips kelakai ready to be served
 In conclusion Kelakai chips are found in central kalimantan and become one souvenir by typical central kalimantan.

Kelakai : vegetables type of nails fern that grow in peat land in Cental                                             Kalimantan
Kelakai Chips : Kelakai young in the dip into the batter of flour and spices and fried
Delicacy : a special food or snack.
Tasty : Delicious, Having a good or special tasty.
Dayak : Dayak is one of the tribles in central kalimantan.

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