How to start to write a definision Paragraph?
1. Brainstorming Using Questioning
What is Kelakai Chips?
How familiar of Kalakai
chips for people in Central Kalimantan?
Write definition in your
words for Kalakai chips ( Using Adjective Clause)
Why do you think Kalakai
chips is so popular?
What benefits kelakai?
STEP 2. Make an Outline of your
definition paragraph you are going to write
Kelakai Chips
STEP 3. Write First draft of your definition paragraph based
on your outline (Write strange words under the paragraph)
Kelakai : vegetbles type of nails fern that grow in peat
land in Cental Kalimantan
Kelakai Chips :
Kelakai young in the dip into the batter of flour and spices and fried
Delicacy : a special
food or snack.
Tasty : Delicious,
Having a good or special tasty.
Dayak : Dayak is one
of the tribles in central kalimantan.
Kelakai Chips
One Snack a very popular in central kalimantan is Kelakai
Chips. Snack Kelakai Chips is typical dayak, first Kelakai many benefits
and in trust by the dayak community as a blood booster drug, youthful drug, to
treat aneamia, fever reliever, increase stamina and treat skin disease, Second Kelakai chips famous
because of the delicacy and crispness, finally, Kelakai chips
can made snacks passionate, healthy and tasty at the time to relax with your
beloved family and friend. In conclusion Kelakai
chips are found in central kalimantan and become one souvenir by typical central kalimantan.
Kelakai : vegetbles
type of nails fern that grow in peat land in Cental Kalimantan
Chips : Kelakai young in the dip into the batter of flour and spices and
Delicacy :
a special food or snack.
Tasty :
Delicious, Having a good or special tasty.